Drink water for improved energy and increased weight loss

Uncategorized Jun 29, 2018

Drink water for improved energy, increased weight loss and good well being

Increasing your water intake is one of the simplest and most beneficial things that you can do to improve your energy, support weight loss, and improve your overall sense of well being.

The more you practise drinking water regularly throughout the day, the quicker it will become an effortless habit. Try these ideas to help develop your water drinking habit.

  1. Always carry a water bottle or flask with you
    Treat yourself to a good quality, funky leak proof water bottle or flask and keep it in your bag.
  2. Always drink a glass of water before you eat
    If like me drinking doesn’t come naturally to you (I often forget to drink but never to eat!), it can be useful to associate drinking with eating by always downing a small glass of water before a meal or snack.
  3. Make your own infused fruit drink
    Infused fruit water looks so pretty. Make up a big jug keep it in the fridge and let the fruit infuse overnight. Alternatively, you can buy a fruit infusion water bottle.
  4. Eat high water content foods
    Drinking water isn’t the only way to increase water intake. Tomatoes, watermelons, cucumbers, celery, green peppers, cauliflower, and spinach are all foods high in water content when eaten raw.
  5. Drink fruit and herbal tea
    Drinking fruit and herbal tea counts towards your water intake. Experiment with different flavours. Make a large jug, let it cool and leave it in the fridge overnight to have a refreshing drink the next day.
  6. Use an app to monitor your water intake, or set a timer on your phone
    Water drinking apps are designed to help you set drinking water goals and track the volume of water you drink daily. Most apps allow you to schedule reminders and offer basic statistical analysis of the amount that you consume over the course of a day, week, or month.
  7. Treat yourself to some fabulous drink glasses, funky jars, and flasks
    Drinking water from an old dishwasher scored glass is so unappealing and a totally different experience to drinking water poured from a beautiful jug sitting on my desk into a beautiful glass. It may sound silly, but it makes me feel pampered, and even a little bit self-righteous. I also find that when I am out with friends and not drinking, having my water in a wine glass feels just that little bit more special.
  8. Start the day with hot water and lemon
    Starting the day with a glass of hot water and lemon not only helps you reach your water intake goals from the get go, it also helps flush your digestive system, aids the enzyme functions in your body – stimulating the liver and flushing out toxins.
  9. Alternate drinking water with other drinks when drinking alcohol
    Whilst drinking water won’t make you any less drunk, or protect your liver, it will help keep you hydrated and help lesson a hangover. In addition to drinking a glass of water between each drink, try to remember to have a couple of extra glasses at the end of the evening.
  10. Drink water through a straw
    If you struggle to drink water in gulps you may find it helpful to drink it through a straw. Something about sipping through a straw makes the water go down easier. You can even find reusable water bottles and cups with built-in straws.

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