Episode #42 - My weight loss journey

weight loss May 21, 2021

On this episode I share something a little different. A Lose Weight. Live Life. Academy member recently asked me a question about my personal weight loss mindset changes on one of our live calls. It was a great question and really made me think about the changes that occurred over time, and how...


Episode #36 - Giving yourself the gift of 12-months

weight loss Apr 09, 2021

On this episode I talk about the gift of giving yourself a full 12-months to prioritise and create permanent weight loss in your life.

Now I know that when I wanted to lose weight the thought of having to work at it for a full 12-months would have filled me with horror but working on it for...


Episode #35 - Special occasions & getting what you want

eating out weight loss Apr 02, 2021

On this episode find out ten ways to help yourself get what you want from specials occasions.

How many times have you been on a diet and been totally derailed by over indulging when you've had a special occasion?  So often it's now about what you eat during the meal out or celebration...


Episode #34 - The right time to lose weight

weight loss Mar 26, 2021

This episode is all about whether there is a right, or a better time, to lose weight.

You are invited to be curious about what you may be waiting for and why thinking ‘it’s not the right time’ may be holding you back from living the life that you want.


What You'll Learn...


Episode #33 - When losing weight is difficult

weight loss Mar 19, 2021

On this episode I explore what’s going on when sometimes eating in a way that enables you to lose weight feels easy, and then at other times it feels incredibly difficult.  

Find out about dwindling motivation in the absence of weight loss rewards and loss of commitment as you...


Episode #27 - Losing weight during lockdown

lockdown weight loss Feb 05, 2021


Today's episode is about losing weight during lockdown. My clients have lots of thoughts about losing weight during lockdown. Some of them think that being in lockdown makes weight loss easier, some of them think it makes lockdown more difficult. And recently some of my clients who are...


Episode #12 When you think you can't lose weight

In this episode I talk to you about the reasons you can’t lose weight and how to overcome them. We consider how medical and physical challenges, life-style difficulties, having an out-dated diet mentality and your thoughts about yourself and your own abilities are keeping you stuck.

We then...


Episode #11 Creating momentum with ending overeating

Our inability to lose weight as quickly as we would like is one of the greatest challenges, we face with weight loss.

With learning most skills, we know that the more time we put into it, the more we concentrate that time, the quicker  we get the results.

For example, when learning to drive...


Evening and Night-Time Snacking

There are multiple reasons why you could be finding it difficult to not snack in the evening. First be curious about which one (or ones ) are true for you.

#1 You have an insulin imbalance

If you are regularly eating refined sugar and refined carbohydrates such as flour, your body likely has an...


Weight loss mindset

Weight loss mindset

I can’t lose weight because_________________!
I’ve tried everything and nothing works!
I must be doing it wrong!

A few of you this week have asked me what you (specifically you) need to do to lose weight because you’ve tried everything and nothing’s...

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